Retail Personal | Line Staff Recruitment
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    Line Staff Recruitment

    The Retail Personal team selects line staff from: Retail, Oil and gas sector, Logistics.

    Oil and Gas Sector

    Due to the low level of qualification that is required from line staff and the high level of “turnover”, the search for such workers remains a challenge for HR managers of any enterprise.

    High speed of closing tasks
    Effective base of line staff
    Verification of personal qualities of candidates

    Principles of "Line
    Staff" Recruitment in Retail Personal

    Understanding all the features of line staff recruitment, we follow strict rules in our work:

    The fastest
    possible result
    After signing the contract with the customer, our managers immediately begin to search for candidates, using all available channels. Often, the customer receives the first search results on the day of the conclusion of the contract.
    Individual work
    with each of the applicants
    In the course of communication with candidates, Retail Personal specialists evaluate not only the level of qualifications, but also the personal qualities of a person, which allows identify possible problems in the work in advance.
    Matching to customer's
    company brand
    We do not conduct interviews with candidates on behalf of Retail Personal. All communications with candidates are carried out exclusively on behalf of the representative of the customer’s company. Our specialists comply with all communication regulations and save confidentiality of information when necessary.
    We appreciate the time of our clients and therefore we complete each project exactly on time.
    Interested in working
    with Retail Personal?

    Order a call and consult
    with our specialists

    How we work

    Processing a request from a client

    Detailed study of the customer's company and the definition of all the features of the job. At this stage, it is necessary to understand the scale of the upcoming work, the time frames and the area of ​​activity.

    Stage of Selection effective channels to attract candidates for the project

    After a thorough study of the task, our specialists select channels for attracting candidates that best suit to the client’s requirements.

    Study the market, prepare a portrait of potential candidate

    The study of job responsibilities and lists of competencies allows us to make a list of requirements for applicants.

    Carry out the selection of specialists

    For the interview we connect with candidats by phone or video. During the call our specialists identify the psychological characteristics of each candidate and discuss all conditions of their potential work.

    We hold a personal meeting, using various techniques and tools to select and identify the necessary qualities. If necessary, we conduct testing to confirm professional skills.

    Accompanying candidates

    According to the result of all stages of the interview, we provide candidates with feedback. If the applicant did not qualify enough and as a result was refused by the employer, we take the responsibility to inform him about it, justifying the employer’s decision. If the candidate has successfully completed all stages of the interview, then we help the employer to prepare the correct Job Offer, taking into account all the nuances.

    Candidate refused to work after being employed?

    Retail Personal provides customers 1 month guarantee for the Line Staff Recruitment service.

    The customer is guaranteed to receive a new candidate without any additional charge.



    Shell is one of the six oil and gas "supermajors" and the fifth-largest company in the world

    Project Goals

    Selection of managers for new stations gas stations.
    Terms: 1 month.

    Specificity of selection

    Managers must have strong analytical knowledge and understand the specifics of sales.

    Posts :

    Сashiers and refueling managers at the gas station

    What channels to attract candidates were involved:

    Marks&Spenser, GAP

    "Marks & Spenser, GAP" - The largest apparel manufacturers worldwide

    Project Goals

    Line Staff Recruitment
    Terms: 7 days

    Specificity of selection

    The customer set very low wages, which greatly complicated the selection process.

    Posts :

    Sales Consultants

    What channels to attract candidates were involved:, Avito, JobMore, Social networks


    Rocketbank is one of the first Russian virtual banks

    Project Goals

    Selection of card delivery managers
    Terms: 1 month

    Specificity of selection

    A prerequisite for candidates was the presence of their own car

    Posts :

    Card delivery managers

    What channels to attract candidates were involved:, JobMore, Social networks


    OSSP - The company is the largest toll road operator in Russia.

    Project Goals

    Selection of employees for maintenance of toll sections of roads.
    Terms: 1 month

    Specificity of selection

    The presence of a personal car and knowledge of English language were also mandatory conditions for the selection of personnel

    Posts :

    Deputy Head road manager, Deputy Head engineering communications manager, engineers, technical specialists, HR specialists and cashiers-controllers

    What channels to attract candidates were involved:, LinkedIn

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